Better-designed, more-efficient flush-frame joist end connections from New Millennium

Flush-Frame Connections

Up to 35% weight savings with performance equal to wide-flange beams

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Reduce design time, coordination and costs, streamlining fabrication and erection

Steel joists with flush-frame end connections offer significant weight savings compared to wide-flange beams while providing equivalent stiffness and vibration performance. An innovative design from the engineers at New Millennium, our connections feature a joist reaction point designed to occur at the center line of the wide-flange girder. This better-performing design eliminates girder torsion concerns during erection and/or due to final design loading of a perimeter wide-flange girder.

Simplifying the flush-frame specification process, our published set of standards improve coordination between the specifier, joist manufacturer, steel fabricator and erector. Our standards for flush-frame end connections reduce design time, accelerate joist and girder fabrication and streamline erection.

Flush-Frame engineering drawing
Benefits of flush-frame design by New Millennium
  • Enhanced floor vibration performance equivalent to wide-flange beams
  • Published standards simplify specification
  • Eliminates girder torsion concerns
  • Eliminates blocking between joist seats for diaphragm shear transfer
Benefits of joists vs. wide-flange beams
  • Up to 35% reduction in weight lowers material and construction costs
  • Reduced floor-to-floor height with steel joist MEP integration
  • Joist camber built into the manufacturing process with no additional time or cost
Standard bolted shear connections for flush-frame joists

Under-Flange (UF) Connections

Connection Number Max Girder Flange Width (in) Max Joist Vertical LRFD Reaction (kips) Number of Bolts Bolt Diameter (in) Bolt Grade ASTM Hole Diameter in Joist End Plate (in) Slot Width in Shear Tab (in) Slot Length in Shear Tab (in) Connection Drawing
NMUFC-1 11.50 62 3 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMUFC-1.pdf
NMUFC-1A 17.50 62 3 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMUFC-1A.pdf
NMUFC-2 11.50 97 4 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMUFC-2.pdf
NMUFC-2A 17.50 97 4 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMUFC-2A.pdf
NMUFC-3 11.50 145 4 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMUFC-3.pdf
NMUFC-3A 17.50 145 4 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMUFC-3A.pdf

Extended-Tab (ET) Connections

Connection Number Max Girder Flange Width (in) Max Joist Vertical LRFD Reaction (kips) Number of Bolts Bolt Diameter (in) Bolt Grade ASTM Hole Diameter in Joist End Plate (in) Slot Width in Shear Tab (in) Slot Length in Shear Tab (in) Connection Drawing
NMETC-1 11.50 26 3 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMETC-1.pdf
NMETC-2 11.50 47 4 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMETC-2.pdf
NMETC-2A 17.50 35 4 1.00 A490-N 1.125 1.125 1.3125 NMETC-2A.pdf
NMETC-3 11.50 90 4 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMETC-3.pdf
NMETC-3A 17.50 65 4 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMETC-3A.pdf
NMETC-4 11.50 114 5 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMETC-4.pdf
NMETC-4A 17.50 100 5 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMETC-4A.pdf
NMETC-5 11.50 136 6 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMETC-5.pdf
NMETC-5A 17.50 136 6 1.25 A490-N 1.375 1.375 1.625 NMETC-5A.pdf

DESIGN RESPONSIBILITY NOTICE: Our published set of standards for flush-frame connections are provided as design aids to expedite the design and coordination of open-web steel joists with flush-framed connections to wide-flange girders. The project engineer of record (EOR) is solely responsible for the design of the structure, the specification of the joists, and the selection of appropriate connections between the joist and wide-flange girder. To that end, these details may be used as-is or adapted by the EOR as appropriate to the specific project conditions, including the size of the beam shear tab, size of bolts, grade of bolts, quantity of bolts, and weldment of beam tab plate to the wide-flange girder with appropriate weld size proportionate to the web thickness of the wide-flange girder. New Millennium provides design calculations for each standard connection detail for the EOR to use in validating strength and assessing appropriateness to the specific project. New Millennium is not responsible for verifying whether these connection designs are appropriate for use in any given condition on any given project.

Flush-Frame Overview

Discover the advantages of flush-frame end connections for steel joists and girders. This interactive PDF provides an overview of incorporating flush-frame connections with drawings and calculations.

Flush-Frame Connections Sales Sheet Cover
Flush-Frame Design Guide

If you’re interested in learning more about flush-frame connections, download this guide for a more detailed explanation of their benefits and how to properly specify them on your next project.

Flush-Frame Connections Design Guide Cover
Flush-Frame Connections Verizon Yonkers New York wide shot
Flush-Frame joists end connections Verizon Yonkers New York

Get our latest design and specification guides PDF with up-to-date standards and load tables.

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