Sustainability presentation
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... is the world’s most recycled material. When produced by EAF technology, steel requires fewer natural resources. Joists and deck are the most efficient structural steel components.
Steel Dynamics, Inc. (SDI) — One of the largest domestic producers, uses high-efficiency EAF technology and recycled ferrous scrap metal to produce new steel.
New Millennium — One of North America’s largest and most efficient manufacturers of steel joists and deck for commercial steel construction.
Builders of steel products aiming to meet green standards benefit from the extremely high content of recycled steel used in EAF steelmaking.
When steel products reach their end-of-life cycle, metal recycle operators collect and process that scrap for effective reuse.
When steel products reach their end-of-life cycle, metal recycle operators collect and process that scrap for effective reuse.
Download our sustainability presentation as an interactive pdf.
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